The Kingdom of God
Micah Simpkins
01/27/19 Sermon
The Day of Lord
Micah Simpkins
01/27/19 Sermon
Leading Little Hearts to Worship
Mark Roberts
01/20/19 Sermon
Five Reasons Young People Leave the Lord
Mark Roberts
01/20/19 Sermon
Radical Shift in Parenting
Mark Roberts
01/20/19 Sermon
Breaking Our Addiction to Screens and Entertainment
Mark Roberts
01/19/19 Sermon
Reading the Bible as a Family
Mark Roberts
01/19/19 Sermon
What Our Kids Need Right Now
Mark Roberts
01/18/19 Sermon
Leaving Behind Denominationalism
Kyle Ellison
01/13/19 Sermon
Why I love the church of Christ
Kyle Ellison
01/13/19 Sermon
Things That Unite - One Hope
Jim Deason
01/06/19 Sermon
Saving Our Young People
Micah Simpkins
12/30/18 Sermon
Wordly Wisdom in the Church - Division
Micah Simpkins
12/30/18 Sermon
One Spirit
Jim Deason
12/23/18 Sermon
One Body
Jim Deason
12/16/18 Sermon
Why Young People Leave The Church
Micah Simpkins
12/16/18 Sermon
Jim Deason
12/09/18 Sermon
Lessons From James
Micah Simpkins
12/09/18 Sermon
Jim Deason
12/02/18 Sermon
Jim Deason
11/25/18 Sermon
Bible Baptism
Micah Simpkins
11/25/18 Sermon
Jim Deason
11/18/18 Sermon
Fools Despise Wisdom & Instruction
Jim Deason
11/18/18 Sermon
Jim Deason
11/11/18 Sermon
The Parable of the Sower
Micah Simpkins
11/11/18 Sermon